Mon: Closed, Tue-Sat: 11:30 AM – 2PM, 5PM – 9PM, Sun: 5 PM – 9 PM


Join Our Team!

Thank you for your interest in our company! Please download and fill out the following forms and make an appointment with us to drop them off.

To set up an appointment time for dropping off your application you must call Genki Sushi, (910) 796-8687 and ask for the Hiring manager. We will set up a time for you to walk in and drop off your application, please have references available as well when you drop off. After the contact and drop off, we will then discuss our interview process. Applicants will go through a “sift”. This process is to ensure that we hire those who will best fit our company needs. We are always excited have new additions to our team.

Thank you so much, we look forward to speaking with you!
Genki Sushi